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Dennis Colenutt

Dennis Colenutt is Managing Director of Wight Economics Limited and specialises in energy sector economics generally, and the power sector in particular.  Over many years, h
is work has focussed primarily on two areas (i) the development of market structures that promote the development of competition and facilitation of private sector participation in these industries; and (ii) the institutions and mechanisms that are necessary for the development of effective regulatory arrangements. 

Click here to view Dennis' full CV

Dennis' CV

Dennis’ clients have included utilities and their investment banking advisers, governments, and regulators.  His work in the UK has included advising one of the major generators in the run up to privatisation, advising British distribution companies in connection with price regulation, and advice in connection with the restructuring of the gas sector.  He has also worked extensively overseas on energy transactions and advisory projects.  This has included wide-ranging work on energy liberalisation and regulation in many countries in the EU, Central, Eastern, and South Eastern Europe, Russia, the Middle East, China, South and South East Asia, including Singapore, and Latin America.

Recent major projects have included a study for the UK’s Sustainable Development Commission on the costs of nuclear power generation.  Recent overseas assignments include major projects modelling and forecasting the Russian and Singaporean power sectors, advising potential buyers of generation assets, and the design of commercial arrangements for a major power inter-connector project linking Gulf states.  Other major overseas assignments include detailed work on implementation of power-sector competition in Greece, Croatia, Cyprus and Slovakia to meet the IME Directive of the European Union, work on tariffs and regulatory procedures in Slovakia, Vietnam, and Kosovo, engagement as an independent expert to review tariffs in Belize, and advice to the major Russian power utility, RAO-UESR, on tariff and market modelling issues. 

Dennis holds a First Class Degree in Economics from the University of Sheffield, and a M.Sc. (Econ) degree from the University of Wales.  Up to 2006 Dennis was a Director of NERA Economic Consulting in London, and prior to that had worked for many years as an Economic Adviser in the British Department of Trade and Industry.
Hamish Fraser

Hamish Fraser is an Associate Consultant with Wight Economics Limited and
specializes in detailed electricity market design, implementation of electricity markets, electricity market analysis, and software and modelling development in the electricity industry.

Click here to view Hamish's full CV

Click here to view Hamish's full CV

Hamish has been providing advice to participants in the electricity industry for almost twenty years.  During this time he has advised regulators, Ministries of Energy, system operators, market operators, market monitoring units, power companies, and other electricity industry organizations regarding restructured electricity markets in more than thirty countries and in approximately twenty states of the US.  He has led or participated in the design and implementation of detailed market rules and electricity market policy in a number of countries/ markets including PJM, New York & New England in the US, Singapore, New Zealand, Russia, Greece, Spain, Ireland, Mexico, Slovakia and throughout the Persian Gulf. He has worked in the development of Market Monitoring Units, and in the development of IT solutions in the electricity industry. 

Hamish has also led many assignments dealing with electricity market due diligence, regulatory strategy, and valuation, and has provided market and regulatory strategy advice to numerous utilities in the electricity industry. 

Hamish was also the principle contributor to a leading book on the subject of implementing electricity markets, written over a period of two years.


Wight Economics Ltd, Registered in England, No 7071492. Registered Office: 27, Cliff Rd, Cowes, PO31 8BN, United Kingdom